NoGraphs: Graph analysis on the fly

NoGraphs simplifies the analysis of graphs that can not or should not be fully computed, stored or adapted, e.g. infinite graphs, large graphs and graphs with expensive computations. (Here, the word graph denotes the thing with vertices and edges, not with diagrams.)

The approach: Graphs are computed and/or adapted in application code on the fly (when needed and as far as needed). Also, the analysis and the reporting of results by the library happens on the fly (when, and as far as, results can already be derived).

Think of it as graph analysis - the lazy (evaluation) way.


Feature overview

Extras (outside of the core of NoGraphs)


Our graph is directed, weighted and has infinitely many edges. These edges are defined in application code by the following function. For a vertex i (here: an integer) as the first of two parameters, it yields the edges that start at i as tuples (end_vertex, edge_weight). What a strange graph - we do not know how it looks like…

>>> def next_edges(i, _):
...     j = (i + i // 6) % 6
...     yield i + 1, j * 2 + 1
...     if i % 2 == 0:
...         yield i + 6, 7 - j
...     elif i % 1200000 > 5:
...         yield i - 6, 1

We would like to find out the distance of vertex 5 from vertex 0, i.e., the minimal necessary sum of edge weights of any path from 0 to 5, and (one of) the shortest paths from 0 to 5.

We do not know which part of the graph is necessary to look at in order to find the shortest path and to make sure, it is really the shortest. So, we use the traversal strategy TraversalShortestPaths of NoGraphs (see Traversal algorithms). It implements the well-known Dijkstra graph algorithm in the lazy evaluation style of NoGraphs.

>>> import nographs as nog
>>> traversal = nog.TraversalShortestPaths(next_edges)

We ask NoGraphs to traverse the graph starting at vertex 0, to calculate paths while doing so, and to stop when visiting vertex 5.

>>> traversal.start_from(0, build_paths=True).go_to(5)

The state data of this vertex visit contains our result:

>>> traversal.distance
>>> traversal.paths[5]
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 16, 17, 11, 5)

We learn that we need to examine the graph at least till vertex 17 to find the shortest path from 0 to 5. It is not easy to see that from the definition of the graph…

A part of the graph, the vertices up to 41, is shown in the following picture. Arrows denote directed edges. The edges in red show shortest paths from 0 to other vertices.


And now?

Can you imagine…

  • An infinite generator of primes, defined by just a graph and a call to a standard graph algorithm?

  • Or a graph that defines an infinite set of Towers of Hanoi problems in a generic way, without fixing the number of towers, disk sizes, and the start and goal configuration - and a specific problem instance is solved by just one library call?

  • Or a way for computing an exact solution for traveling salesman problems, that is based on just a graph and a call of the Dijkstra single source shortest path algorithm?

  • Or graphs that are dynamically computed based on other graphs, or on analysis results about other graphs, or even on partial analysis results for already processed parts of the same graph?

Let’s build it.

Welcome to NoGraphs!